These courses cover essential knowledge which you need to be aware of when working as a professional linguist. You can view more information on any of the courses below by clicking on the course name.
Course Name |
Course Description | Length | Price |
Format |
Safeguarding Vulnerable People | Explains the safeguarding issues which are likely to impact linguists and what actions to take when necessary.Learn more | 3hrs | £30.00 | Online |
Health and Safety for Interpreters | Provides health and safety advice which promotes a safe working environment and means professional linguists do not risk their health.Learn more | 3hrs | £30.00 | Online |
Wellbeing | Examines dangers to the wellbeing of linguists, how to recognise these dangers and where to seek help and support.Learn more | 2hrs | £Free to linguists | Online |
Equality and Diversity | A look at the meaning and importance of equality and diversity in the workplace, specifically in relation to linguist rights and responsibilities.Learn more | 3hrs | £30.00 | Online |
Data Protection and Confidentiality | Describes common data protection and confidentiality issues, legislation and good practice to help linguists remain compliant.Learn more | 3hrs | £30.00 | Online |