Who is it for?
Are you a Professional Interpreter working in the industry for many years, with a solid reputation looking to move your career forward? If you have answered ‘yes’ then the Business Skills for Expert Linguists suite of courses is for you.
As an expert linguist you have got excellent language skills and experience in running your own business as a freelancer. In order to progress your career to the next level you will need to develop further skills to support that development. This course looks at how to set up and manage your books to comply with legislation as well as being able to manage your business efficiently.
What jobs will I be able to do?
- Team Leader
- Project Manager
- Business Owner
When can I start?
You can start the course today – why not sign up now?
How long does it take?
The average length of time taken is 6-10 hours.
Are there any requirements?
You will not need any special requirements to take this course, all you will require is an internet connection and basic computer skills.
What will I learn?
Book-keeping for Expert Linguists will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to be able to set up and manage an efficient book-keeping system. The course will explore the different paper-based and software options available to you and support you to create and understand a simple system. The course will also look at the legislative responsibilities for you as a linguist and how you can meet these cost effectively.
This course is part of the Business Skills for Expert Linguists suite of courses.
What support will I have?
- Personalised Individual Learning Plan
- Career Guidance
- High quality course online course materials
- Optional one-to-one mentoring support via phone, email and online
- Affiliate Membership with ISL (when available)
- Access to regular webinars and workshops
- 24-hour access to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
- Guidance and support from you assigned, qualified Assessor
How will you assess me?
Book-keeping for Expert Linguists for Expert Linguists is vocational, which means that you will be assessed by demonstrating your ability to do the job through various assignments.
How do I apply?
Register your interest by completing the form below
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