Best Practice

Best Practice in Public Sector Language Services during and after Covid-19

ISL recently hosted 2 live webinars, welcoming professionals who are KEY to the INTERPRETING INDUSTRY and highlighting the most up-to-date contractual changes for linguists. What is NRPSI? The recent NRPSI webinar attracted over 90 participants from all over the world. The webinar was presented by Executive Director & Registrar, Mr. Mike Orlov. NRPSI is a…

DPSI scholar

My DPSI Journey

DPSI Alumni 2021 – I did it! Are YOU ready? There’s been lots of talk recently amongst interpreters about raising qualification levels and joining police and MoJ interpreter lists. You may be considering doing so, but perhaps the thought of the DPSI exam is making you feel nervous.  As an interpreter who has only recently been through this…

Continuous Professional Development

Calling all UK Interpreters

We are heading towards a new CPD Future – which means there are going to be contractual requirements from Public and Private Sector for interpreters to undertake regular CPD in order to access high profile and complex jobs.   Don’t miss out on high profile jobs and complex assignments – we want YOU to be ready for…