
CPD Central – Foundation Bundle

£9.95 inc. VAT / month

CPD Central Video Walkthrough:

The essential CPD bundle for all public service interpreters with NO MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION TERM!

Stay on top of key legislation and skills with our brand-new e-learning, test your knowledge with a quiz and obtain a Certificate of Attendance for each course!

– 10 brand-new, modern and relevant e-learning courses, complete with tests and certificates.
– Accredited e-learning to support your CPD points requirements.
– Courses include Interpreter Wellbeing, Dealing with Challenging Situations, Modern Slavery and more!

Scroll down for full Bundle content!

PLEASE ensure you download and read your User Guide, Introduction and Terms of Business documents.


Sign up now and get immediate access to a whole year’s worth of CPD materials and resources!

CPD Central – Foundation Bundle

At ISL, we understand that all our linguists are at varying parts of their interpreting journey. What connects all interpreters, across all levels, is the ever-increasing requirement from LSPs to demonstrate regular CPD activity. This bundle contains ‘mandatory’ units that are applicable across all interpreting levels and sectors.

The e-learning element consists of topics such as Safeguarding, Dealing with Challenging Situations, TI and VRI. There are 10 e-learning products in total, complete with knowledge tests and Certificates of Attendance!

Full content of the Professional Bundle

Telephone Interpreting
Video Remote Interpreting e-learning
Interpreting in Challenging Situations
Interpreter Code of Conduct
Equality and Diversity for Interpreters
GDPR for Interpreters
Health, Safety and Risk Management for Interpreters
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Safeguarding for Interpreters
Well-being for Interpreters

Why should you sign up?

• All bundles provide you with at least 12 months’ worth of CPD hours, as required by LSPs and agencies
• For any CPD that comes with a test, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance
• You will also receive a certificate for any live CPD session you attend
• Blended learning ensures that the material we provide is varied, engaging and covers all different aspect of further education

Want to see your other options?

We’ve developed 3 different CPD bundles. Follow the links below to compare and choose the right bundle for your professional development!


The essential CPD bundle for all
public service interpreters!

• 10 e-learning courses
• Certificates complete with CPD points
• Knowledge tests to demonstrate understanding
• Focus on regulations


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The only CPD you’ll need for community interpreting!

• 13 e-learning courses
• Free access to 25+ online CPD events
• Knowledge tests and certificates
• Seminars led by industry experts
• Focus on community settings


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The PAIT-approved CPD bundle for interpreters working across all settings!

• Over 20 e-learning courses
• Free access to 50+ online CPD events
• Knowledge tests and certificates
• PAIT-approved Police training
• Seminars led by industry experts


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