Video Remote Interpreting – efficient AND easy???

With a global increase in self-isolation, quarantining and social distancing, many linguists are worried about their job security as they are unable to attend their bookings. Due to demand still being high for interpreting services, language service providers will be shifting their service lines to offer more Video Remote Interpreting services in order to reduces the risk of spreading the virus.
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is an effective and safe way to connect to a professional interpreter for verbal or sign language services in a similar way to Skype or FaceTime. This technology allows linguists to continue to work at the same level and volume as they previously have been, whilst staying safe in the comfort of their own home. Many language service providers will use specialist conferencing software, similar in functionality to Skype or Zoom. If you’ve undertaken any interpreting qualifications and had experience of training with ISL on Level 3 Community Interpreting Certificate, DPSI Exam or Level 6 Diploma in Community Interpreting, you’ll already have had your first VRI experience when you conducted your role play. Conducting your services using VRI is just like that!!

Whilst VRI can be seen as creating efficiencies, it comes with caveats to ensure that the interpreting experience for the client and language professional is of high quality. The following tips will help you the language professional and the client have a great experience.

1. Ensure you have a strong internet connection
2. Be in a room where the background is neutral
3. Ensure and notifications for your phone or laptop/PC are turned off
4. Make adjustments to ensure your room/house/office is quiet
5. Make sure family members who may be at hoe remain quiet – if they can!!
6. Use headphones
7. Check your IT set up regularly ensuring the microphone and speaker settings are operating well.
At this time with the presence of Covid-19, it is still necessary that limited English speakers get the support they need to understand important messages from Police, Health and other contexts. For the limited English speaker to see the person you are communicating with will provide them with confidence that they are speaking with a human and they are being heard in a fair and just way. VRI is a tool that can help in achieving this.
If you are interested about learning more about ISL accredited qualifications please email or call 0203 475 7771 to find out more.