DCI vs DPSI – what is the difference and how do I choose?

You know you want to work in the court and police settings.

You are aware you need a Level 6 qualification to register with the National Register of Public Service Interpreters.

And you have heard that the exams for Level 6 qualifications are tricky.

So – you know you need to make the right choice of course for you. But which Level 6 qualification should you choose?

We understand that the choice of courses on offer may be a bit confusing, which is the last thing you need when you are committing to investing in your future. That’s why we’ve created this simple guide, detailing the main differences between the Level 6 Diploma in Community Interpreting (DCI) and the Level 6 Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI).

Name Diploma in Community Interpreting (DCI) Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI)
Level 6 6
Pathway Law (Court, Police, Prison and Probation, Immigration) Law (Court, Police, Immigration)
Is the qualification nationally registered? Yes Yes
Can I register for the NRPSI with this qualification? Yes Yes
Do I have tutor support? Yes – available at regular points throughout the course, plus additional Q&A sessions on a weekly basis with other learners and a tutor. You can choose to purchase a self-led or tutor-led Preparation course.
How am I tested? This is a portfolio-based qualification, so the assessment is a combination of written assignments (research and self-reflective), marked glossaries, assessed role plays for consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, sight translations to and from English and draft written translations to and from English. An exam consisting of 5 units, covering a role play for consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, sight translations to and from English and draft written translations to and from English. The material for the 5 units will be sourced from the settings detailed in the Pathway section.
Is it possible to fail? All elements in the portfolio must be marked as pass before the work can be submitted to the awarding body. If any assessment gets marked as a Refer, you will be asked to revisit it and make amendments based on the feedback from the tutor/language specialist. Providing you complete all the assignments to a Pass standard and meet the minimum requirements for the practical assessments, then you will not fail. Yes, unfortunately you can fail. If you fail a unit, you will need to retake it and pay a single unit fee. You need to pass all 5 units to obtain a Full DPSI certificate.
Is this suitable for beginners? In a nutshell – yes. The course is divided into modules and the theoretical ones provide learners with extensive knowledge of interpreting/translations modes and techniques, as well as an understanding of the importance of CPD, Code of Conduct and Ethics. As long as the learners command of English and the second language is strong, the DCI is a suitable choice. No. We strongly recommend that anyone wanting to apply for the DPSI has extensive experience of interpreting, preferably in the settings laid out in Pathway. For those who know the techniques and methodology but lack the knowledge and terminology of settings, we recommend they purchase the DPSI preparation course.
Do I need to have a Level 3 or 4 Certificate first? No, for the reasons stated above. The Level 3 and 4 is not a prerequisite, but experience is essential.
How long does the course take? You can expect to complete the course in 9-12 months, depending on your own personal commitments. Once you sign up for the DPSI, you have 6 months to sit the exam. We have exams available for all languages every month.
How do exams take place? We use Zoom video calls for all oral and written examinations. All you need is a stable internet connection, a laptop/PC and a webcam. We use Zoom video calls for all oral and written examinations. All you need is a stable internet connection, a laptop/PC and a webcam.
How much is the course? £1434 (instalments available) from £699 (instalments available)
Is there a preparation course available? No Yes – Please see this link

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us on 0203 475 7771, email us on [email protected] or find us on Facebook and LinkedIn.